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    Leader, Earplugs, Flight Ear Protection, 1 ea

    ($6.19 / ea)

    Limit 1
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    Product Description

    Product Details
    Model No. P576A. For air pressure discomfort. Universal fit. Compare to Earplanes. Essential to Care since 1979. This package contains one pair of disposable earplugs good for one round-trip flight. Also great for mountain driving. Noise Reduction Rating: 20 decibels (when used as directed). The range of noise reduction rating for existing hearing protectors is approximately 0 to 30 (high numbers denote greater effectiveness). 100% money back guarantee. All Leader brand products have a 100% money back guarantee. Return to place of purchase if not satisfied. www.myleader.com. EPA: Federal law prohibits removal of this label prior to purchase. Label required by US EPA regulation 40 CFR part 211, subpart B.


    Before inserting, pinch nose and blow to clear your ears. For best results, always insert Earplugs one hour before landing. Remove after landing and when the cabin door is opened. Chronic sufferers may also insert Earplugs just before take off. Earplugs may be removed when the airplane reaches maximum altitude and reinserted one hour before landing. For maximum results, use your opposite hand to pull the top of your ear upward. Insert the ribbed end and turn like a corkscrew until snug.



    Drug Interactions

    • FORM: EACH
    • BRAND: Leader
    • SIZE: 1 ea
    • PRODUCT TYPE: General